Brand JAIN

University Board Management University Board Management

Brand JAIN

Logo Interpretation

JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) represents dynamism, innovation, inquisitiveness, and creativity. The logo reflects simplicity, clarity, and focus in its vision of providing quality education, research, and entrepreneurial development through various schools and centers.

The word ‘JAIN’ is in bold and black. Black is an elegant color that absorbs all the colors of the spectrum, symbolizing the acceptance of students and staff from all backgrounds, nationalities, languages, religions, and talent. The bold, capital font signifies the confidence, leadership, and autonomy that JAIN proudly represents in the education sector. The black colored bold line prior to the subline emphasizes the letter J and represents consistently in the growth of the University since its inception.

Our Brand Values

JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) is built on the belief that for a nation to grow, quality education is a must. What is also vital is that we put education to good use. There are 7 values that the Institution is founded on.

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    The activities we have taken up and pursue, programs that we introduce, and recognitions bestowed on us makes JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) a force to reckon with in terms of credibility.
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    We are steadfast in our commitment to offer our stakeholders the best be it education, facilities, or assistance.
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    JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) has been consistent in the quality of service that it offers.
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    The University encourages creativity in the approach to learning and teaching, and activities organized to provide students a platform to experience, grow, and value these opportunities.
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    We believe that good education and entrepreneurship are stepping stones to success, for an individual and the nation, and are firm in our resolve to provide access to and support for the same to the best of our ability.
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    The University is known for its innovativeness in terms of programs and pedagogy.
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    Among the many qualities that we have, one of them is reliability. We are committed to bringing in freshness in academic pursuits, methods and programmes that are important for students and staff to succeed on any level.